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Understanding learning from the perspective of developmental dynamics

Rhythmics and the Table of the Development of psychological Functions – two complementary ways of working

Garnitschnig, Karl | Neira Zugasty, Helga | Falschlunger, Christoph

text Open Access


Abstract (English)

The Table of the Development of psychological Functions was first published in the research report Rhythmik als Movens der Entwicklung der psychische Funktionen (Garnitschnig, Karl & Neira Zugasti, Helga, Vienna 2006) and in the DVD (incl. CD-Rom) Entwicklung beobachten, erkennen und unterstützen am Beispiel der rhythmisch-musikalischen Erziehung (Neira Zugasti, Helga & Garnitschnig, Karl, Vienna 2008). An updated version of the table with additional explanations will be presented in 2021. Presentations of the two theoretical bases, i.e. the Theory of psychological Operations (Theorie der psychischen Operationen, TPO) and Rhythmics, as well as of the detailed handling of the ‘Developmental Grid’ (incl. video) can be found in the two publications mentioned above and under the link: entwicklungsraster-tpo/.

Understanding learning from the perspective of developmental dynamics
Rhythmics and the Table of the Development of psychological Functions – two complementary ways of working
Garnitschnig, Karl |
Neira Zugasty, Helga |  
Falschlunger, Christoph |  
371 - Schools and their activities; special education
Open Access