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'Nach seinem selbst gefallen mit der Mensur wexln'

Instances in Sixteenth-Century Keyboard Music Where Ornamentation and Changing Note Values Might Induce the Player to Vary the Beat

  • Abstract(s)
    • Nicola Vicentino’s description of singers varying the beat in order to clarify the affect of the words and the harmony may seem to be relevant to certain keyboard music, all the more since sources point out that solo performers enjoy greater freedom than do ensembles. Tempo changes sometimes seem to be implied by striking differences between predominant note values in sections of a piece. One might expect shorter note values to be generally associated with a slower tactus, and longer note values with a quicker one, but some composers demand the opposite, so that the contrasts in the music are amplified rather than understated. Ornamented keyboard intabulations can occasionally be seen to imply textually and musically motivated tempo changes via noticeable variation in the density of ornamentation.
  • Date Issued 2024
  • Author(s) Marinčič, Domen | Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg Looking for ROR...
  • DOI 10.21939/HARPSICHORD-16C-06
  • Publication Type book part
  • Language en
  • License CC-BY-4.0
  • Publisher mdwPress