Now showing 132 item(s)
(2024-01-01) Annuß, Evelyn; Von Appen, Ralf; Chaker, Sarah; Felber, Silke; Glauser, Andrea Ilse; Kaufmann, Therese; Lettow, Susanne
Rechtspopulistische Bewegungen und Diskurse greifen auf neue, ästhetisierte Politikstile und bis dato links konnotierte, künstlerisch erprobte Provokationsformen zurück. Zudem besetzen sie Geschlecht, Familie und Sexualität als Trigger-Themen. Die Beiträger*innen bringen die Populismusforschung mit geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen zusammen und fokussieren dabei auf das kulturelle Feld und Geschlechterdiskurse als spezifische Aushandlungsterrains. Neben einer Analyse, wie der »rechtspopulistische Komplex« jeweils aktuelle gesellschaftliche Problemlagen instrumentalisiert, eröffnen sie auch Gegenstrategien im Sinne radikaldemokratischer und emanzipatorischer Politiken.
(2024-01-01) Matiasovits, Severin
Vor 100 Jahren wurde die Fachhochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst als eine der Vorgängerinstitutionen der heutigen mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien gegründet. Sie kann, soviel steht fest, als ein einzigartiges Spezifikum der österreichischen Hochschulgeschichte gesehen werden. Trotz ihrer äußerst kurzen Lebensdauer sowie wenig nachhaltigen Existenz ist es wert, die Geschichte dieser von 1924 is 1931 bestehenden Hochschule zu erzählen: Wie unter einem Brennglas offenbaren sich hier die Folgen von Fehlplanung, Intrige, weltanschaulicher Entzweiung und politisch-ideologischer Einflussnahme. Und obwohl die nur 7-jährige Geschichte der Hochschule fast als kurios zu bezeichnen ist, spiegelt sich in ihr die zunehmend radikalisierende innenpolitische Situation Österreichs in den Zwischenkriegsjahren wider.
(2024-01-01) Lampis, Alessio; Mayer, Alexander; Chatziioannou, Vasileios
This study investigates the influence of string properties on bowed string attack playability. To assess the attack playability of different string types, a variety of bow forces and bow accelerations were chosen to excite the strings and measure the transient response under different bowing control parameters. The experimentally obtained playability maps of transient duration as function of bow force and acceleration (Guettler diagram) were obtained with a robotic bowing machine, from four different types of cello G2 strings. Results indicate variations in playability across string types, suggesting that string properties impact attack duration.
(2024-01-01) Pamies Vila, Montserrat; Mayer, Alexander; Matusiak, Ewa; Chatziioannou, Vasileios
Numerous experimental and theoretical methods have focused on the bow–string interaction in bowed string instruments, including several artificial bowing setups. The current research aims to present an experimental approach to reproduce bowing techniques using a robotic arm. First, optical motion capture is used to track the 3D kinematics of the bow. The cello bow and corpus are equipped with reflective markers. The cello is mounted on a playing platform. The recorded 3D trajectories of the bow markers are used to control the motion of the robotic arm. This process requires converting the 3D data between the coordinate frames of the two systems. This conversion is described in detail in this paper. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed method, an experienced cellist was asked to play an adapted piece on the cello, which was then repeated using the robotic arm. The robotic arm is capable of accurately reproducing the bow velocity, but even minimal variations in position can compromise proper bow–string contact. To illustrate this, the study compares two similar robotic situations and discusses the challenges of adapting the robot’s coordinates as a function of a given playing parameter or the sound produced.
Understanding the dynamics of bowed-string attacks involves exploring the relationship between bow acceleration, bow force, and the generation of Helmholtz motion during transients. This study addresses the following research question: How do theoretical limits of “playability” predict these parameters? Motivated by the need for experimental evidence in this domain, we present a comprehensive investigation into bowed-string transients within the bow acceleration and bow force parameter space, known as the Guettler diagram. This study exclusively employs an experimental methodology. The setup, employing a robotic arm, permits the collection of transient data under varying bowing conditions. Analysis of the bridge force waveform allows for the extraction of pre-Helmholtz transient times. Our results reveal a triangular playable region in the Guettler diagram, consistent with theoretical predictions and previous experimental findings. However, Guettler’s analytical limits for playable regions during transients show limitations. We investigate the role of friction, a key parameter idealized in the model used for obtaining these limits. Measured friction coefficients from transients reveal discrepancies with prior experimental studies, highlighting the need for further investigations in this direction.
(2024-01-01) Stojak, Sonja; Hofmann, Alex
(2025-01-01) Kirchberg, Volker; Zembylas, Tasos
In recent decades, social and economic changes have brought about a growing awareness of the role of art and culture in society. As a result, scholars have turned their attention to a sociological view of arts, developing hermeneutic approaches and conducting empirical research that have led to a wealth of insights into the organization of arts. These studies of the creation, production, distribution, evaluation and consumption of arts are clearly sociological, but they include approaches from other disciplines, notably arts management studies and cultural policy research. Volker Kirchberg and Tasos Zembylas critically discuss seven major theories of the social organization of arts in Western societies, with the aim of encouraging further research and theoretical developments.
(2024-01-01) Petri-Preis, Axel; Voit, Johannes
This collection of accompanying materials aims to provide teachers in higher education and professional development contexts with a variety of ideas to integrate the content of the publication "Handbuch Musikvermittlung" into their own teaching and to offer students and practitioners stimulating reflection opportunities.
Die vorliegende Sammlung von begleitenden Materialen zielt darauf ab, Lehrenden im Hochschul- und Weiterbildungskontext vielfältige Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, wie ein Transfer von Inhalten der Publikation "Handbuch Musikvermittlung" in die eigene Lehre gelingen kann und Impulse für anregende Reflexionsanlässe für Studierende und Praktiker_innen zu bieten.
(2024-01-01) Van Lookeren Campagne, Augusta; Grassl, Markus